Monday, November 17, 2014

Who's ready to see me Trot like a Turkey!!

For those of you not in the Buffalo, NY area the title of this post may not make a whole lost of sense but for those of you who are it should make a ton of sense at least around this time of year. Now I don't want to leave some of you in the dark so I will tell you what it means... I am running in the 119th annual YMCA Turkey Trot. Yes... I said running. An 8k... that just shy of 5 miles.
If you have read any of this blog before you may have read that one of my goals is to start running foot races. Initially I thought I would get to this in the future, you know a couple of years down the line once I have lost a substantial amount of weight. But motivation has come calling by the name of Peggy G. and I decided this could be a way for me to jump start that weight lose, RIGHT NOW. 
Now, I know some of you must be thinking... "What is this girl thinking?" This is going to be hard... She has already injured herself a couple of times this year... This was goal on the bottom of her list for a reason, it was to come after everything else. 
"Trust me these are all things that have run through my mind before. I am full of self doubt so I decided to turn over a new leaf and try something new. I mean that's the only way I am going to change right?"
Now I have consulted my favorite runner... Molly P. and she has put together a training plan for me so that I am not completely lost in what I need to be doing but it has been harder than I thought. I don't know why I thought it would be easy as I don't normally run and for the fact that I am super intimidated by treadmills. Now, put me on an elliptical for 3.5 miles I'm good... I won't be going super fast but I can finish it and be all sweaty and gross by the end but I won't be in extreme pain. I tried to attempt this on a treadmill I could not finish it didn't even get half way even with walking the majority of the time I was on it, wheezing even after taking my inhaler (did I mention I have asthma) my ankle that I twisted about a month ago was clicking in protest. My calf was as tight as a rubber band about to snap and my side was cramping... all things that I do not fine fun at all. This all happened this past Friday.
It is now Monday, I have not stepped a foot back into the gym in utter fear of failing. I have stretched some but not enough that I think that it has helped but only time will tell. I need to get to the gym today and I do believe I will have better luck as well I have to do better as I have a lot of work to do. 

See training schedule below:

Thursday (11/13)Friday (11/14) Saturday (11/15)Sunday (11/16)
OFF3.5 MILES40-45 min Cross train on elliptical30 Min Walk
Monday (11/17)Tuesday (11/18)Wednesday (11/19)Thursday (11/20)Friday (11/21)Saturday (11/22)
40-45 min Cross train on ellipticalOFFEASY 3.5 Miles Run30 min walkOFF40-45 min Cross train on elliptical
Sunday (11/23)Monday (11/24)Tuesday (11/25)Wednesday (11/26)RACE DAY
40 Min Run (take this as slow as you need too!!!)30 min Cross train on elliptical (go super easy on this)30 Min Run (take this as slow as you need too!!!)30 min walk8KYOGA CLASS and 20 min walk 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Wow... Has it been a while....

I have officially become the worst blogger on the face of the Earth. My last post was more than 2 months ago in which I wrote maybe 3 sentences that was mostly me whining that I wasn't motivated to keep working out at that time. I still haven't gotten fully back into the grove of things but I have been able to start working out at a normal pace like I was before I injured myself in May. Which at this point I need to just pull my self together and even if I am tired and don't want to go because I had a long day at work, just go to the gym and work out any frustration I may have had throughout my work day by working off some calories. But the last couple weeks have been so busy because of Mak's wedding and everything that goes along with that and going to Bills games on one of my only days off in the week I have worn my self down that I feel like I need a few days off just to get back to feeling like I will have enough energy to get my ass to the gym and have a meaningful workout. I think at this point my biggest problem is that I don't like going to the gym when I know I'm going to half-ass my workout. If I know I'm not going to be able to go all out I don't want to go at all which just ends up hurting me more because then I'm not going. I still go when I see my trainer and Christine is fantastic and getting me in the groove but when I don't see her I feel lost. Like I can't do it if she isn't there. Which is incorrect because I used to go to the gym without a trainer all the time before. 

~~~Bottom Line~~~
Karen needs to get her act together and get her ass to the gym!!!!!

Now that I said that, I think I can finally check one of my goals off of my list... #3! For those of you who did not read my goal list check out my Goals tab on the top of the page.

Now I won't know if I like how I look in the pictures until those come out from the photographer but I easily fit into my dress with no problems whats so ever. No I didn't have to have my seamstress take the dress in which would have been best but not having to worry about fitting into my dress in the weeks leading up to the wedding was a great feeling too. For the pictures that I have seen so far I am confident that I will actually like these pictures for once in my life. Fingers crossed!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Need Motivation

When I first started this Blog I had so much motivation and determination and now.... NOTHING!!! What do I do now. I need to find some motivation in something and at this point I will take anything to kickstart this journey again. What is a girl to do... I was on a mission and doing great but I feel like I have had a horrible setback and don't know what to do at this point... Someone, anyone please send some suggestions. This girl needs HELP!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tool Time

I have discovered throughout this process that not only do I need to have the will to make this go of being healthy the successful one but you also need the support from those around you and also the right tools to make sure that I am on track with my goals. When I originally started my 100 day workout challenge I started by tracking on poster board showing the number of days I had worked out and each day I wrote what I had done that day to be active. Whether it was just taking a walk or what I did at the gym that day. Now I have selected to also get something that will track how active I am being throughout each day. I have some friends who have tried products like FitBit, Jawbone and similar monitors to track sleep, distance or steps travelled, etc. I have found that since I have started using my FitBit Flex Monitor I can see when I haven't been as active and make a more conscious effort to correct that by the end of the day. I selected this product because I needed something to help track what I am doing. The sleep tracker seems to shed some light on why I tend to be so tired when it seems I have been sleeping for hours on end. Now I'm not saying that I need this activity tracker to be successful but it couldn't hurt, right? 
I started writing this post probably about a month ago and finally was able to finish it today. At this point I have also started my 100 Day Challenge over again. As you know I hurt myself back in May while traveling in Memphis, TN and had planned on once I had healed I would start up again from where I left off. After thinking about I have decided to start completely over again! Wish me luck once again!

Monday, July 7, 2014

...And the Results are in Part 2

As you know I finally got my MRI results in after about 3 weeks due to a backup of results at the office, and as of my last post I was getting a CT scan done that day. I did get those results back in a very timely manner, YAY! I now have the conclusive results that I have a proximal medial non-displaced fracture of my left tibia and what does this mean?! I can only use a bike for cardio so no treadmill or elliptical until I see the doctor again in 3-4 weeks. Until then it is arms, chest and back at the gym until further notice which I will keep doing under the watchful eye of my amazing trainer Christine!!! Thank you for all of support and for pushing me to my max even with my injury!!! Love it!

For all of my loyal readers please visit my new page documenting all of my goals and see when they get accomplished and how I have transformed!

Monday, June 30, 2014

...And the Results are in!

So after more then 2 weeks of waiting I finally got the results from the MRI I had done on my knee. So good news is that I do not have a torn meniscus but bad news is I have a non-displaced fracture. Where you might ask is this fracture... not entirely sure. I got the results while driving in Vermont last weekend with my old college roommate, Molly, and the PA who called was not very specific in this description. Today I had a CT scan done to see... not entirely sure but I think they told me its to be able to see a better picture of the bones since it is a fracture. I love how after a several weeks of waiting to see what is wrong with my knee I still don't know. It has been almost a month and a half since I was first hurt and none of the results I have gotten back are conclusive in the least. I am hopeful that after it taking almost 2 weeks just to get the MRI results that they are a bit quicker to get back to me with these results. I am tired of being scared that I am going to hurt my knee more if I work out too hard or push it before it is fully healed and make things worse. I don't want this to be a set back that keeps going on forever and ever. 

Lots of challenges ahead but I promise to be positive and look to the finish line as a checkpoint in my journey but never the less to enjoy the journey all the same.

Ps. New goal to be added to my journey:
Train & Run in a 5K, 1/2 Marathon and Full Marathon one of which must be in San Francisco so that I can hang with Molly!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Health Check

With this being my first post since I have been back from Memphis and my most recent injury I wanted to give an update about what I have been able to do since then but more importantly what I have been eating since the working out has been extremely limited. Since being home I have seen an orthopedic surgeon to look at my knee and tomorrow I go for an MRI to see what internal damage there may be since he seems to believe that I have a torn meniscus and if that is the case I will be having surgery ASAP. Since I am still is some pain from whatever is wrong with my knee I have not been doing any cardio other than walking since this has happened. Luckily enough walking on crutches did help raise my heart rate some when I was using them. I have been off of crutches for about a week but still don't trust my knee to not buckle to walk on a treadmill or ride a bike. What I have been doing is still seeing my trainer once a week to at least get some abs, back and arms worked out. It still keeps me accountable to make sure that I am still going in and still have someone to report to essentially. I never thought I would miss going to the gym when I couldn't go anymore.
My diet has been more important then ever since this has happened and to be honest I haven't always eaten the best since I have been injured. But that has changed over the last week. I put together meals for the week and I'm not eating the crap that they call food at the cafeteria at work. Granted the food isn't all that bad but it most defiantly is not the best but more than anything its expensive and by brown bagging this last week i've saved so much money I can't even fathom it! 
While writing this post what I realized more than anything is that I don't necessarily have a problem choosing healthy options I just have a problem with portion control. I tend to eat way more then I need to and it clearly shows. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memphis in May

My trip to Memphis started as optimistic as one could be. I'm going to excercise daily before going to the competition grounds keep doing my smoothies and eat relatively healthy when most of the food is anything but that. First couple of days were great the weather could have been better but other than that I would say that I was doing just fine. On Friday however things took a turn for the worse, being the clumsy person that I am I twisted my right ankle while stepping half on the grass half on the sidewalk while heading to my teams booth and when I tried to catch myself before falling I popped my knee and am in an extreme amount of pain. So much so that I took a trip to the urgent care center for X-rays. Good news is nothing is broken but I'm on crutches for the foreseeable future and need to keep icing it. 
Other than this unfortunate incident on my art my time in Memphis and later in Nashville was fairly enjoyable.

My BBW team Too Sauced to Pork did very well with 2 calls to the stage meaning 2 top 10 finishes. And what was even better was a 1st place finish for our Vinegar Sauce!!!!! Our other call was for 6th place in Ribs which for the Super Bowl of Swine where we are competing against the best of the best we couldn't be more happy to finish where we did!!

Here's some evidence of our awesomeness!!

Not only did we get a trophy and bragging right but also a giant check!!!

Too Sauced to Pork showing pride while accepting our award!

Vinegar Sauce concoctors!! Frank and Dave from New Hampshire

We also love sharing the experience with so many people from around the world, Check out this link!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Peach Mango Smoothie

I find that changing up a smoothie helps the same way that changing up what workouts you are doing. It makes life more interesting and helps to make it something new that you want to try. I started with going to the frozen fruit section of my supermarket for inspiration. I found peaches and mango and knew I already had strawberries at home. Then I looked into add some other ingredients to make it more interesting. I decided to add some ginger root to my smoothie. While ginger isn't commonly used for weight loss it does have use in other cultures to help with the common cold. I figure that if it can help fight a cold it may be able to help prevent one too and have been sick several times this past winter. Plus it tastes great in this smoothie!


3/4 cup Tropicana Farmstand Peach Mango Juice
1/4-1/2 cup Milk (use whatever you have around; regular, soy, almond, etc) 
Handful of frozen Peaches
Handful of frozen Mango
1/2 Handful of frozen Strawberries
1/2 inch of peeled and finely grated ginger root (I use a microplane)
Large Handful Spinach
1/2-3/4 scoop unflavored Whey Protein Powder

Layer in Blender and blend on high until smooth. Start with 1/4 of milk and add more if needed to help blend the ingredients.

***Notice that I don't use any ice in my smoothies. If you use frozen fruit in your smoothies you won't need to use ice and on top of that they won't be watered down. And Bonus frozen fruit is less expensive then fresh fruit!! If you have a good farmers market near you go there to get good seasonal fruit and you can always freeze them yourself for an even better deal.

To freeze your own fruit, follow this process:

  1. Find the freshest fruit that you can. Don't use fruit that is over or under ripe because once you freeze it, the quality will remain at that state. 
  2. Wash, skin and trim the fruit depending on what it is. For berries with leaves, wash and trim the leaves off. Make sure to dry the fruit thoroughly before freezing other wise you will have a lot of ice crystals which you don't want. Anything like melon or stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, etc) cut to the size you want before freezing. 
  3. When ready to freeze place on a cookie sheet and place in freezer overnight. When completely frozen, remove from pan in store in ziplock bags. Stores well for 6 months.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Making the Time

I have never realized how many things I have going on in my life until this week. Starting to add these workouts into my days are not necessarily making things more difficult but making them slightly more challenging to get stuff done in. Always worrying if I have enough time to get to the gym, get all my errands done, get my lunch made for work and be showered and ready for work without losing my mind in the process. 
I wish I had a solution for adding hours to the day but I can't. I can only make the most of the time that there is in a day.
I am working to still make this new life style be a part of my life and not the thing that keeps me from having a life. But I will not alter my mission. I thought about changing it but in reality changing my mission isn't going to help me at all. I need to keep being encouraged to keep going to keep working towards my goals. Please comment your encouragements to me and I will be sure to keep telling you of my journey and the struggles I may encounter along the way.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Recipe Watch

I found this recipe while being inspired from a new Instagram member. I love researching and finding new and healthy protein packed deliciousness! I know that this may seem to have a lot of fish. If the portion is too much and I think for me it would be you can also just top a piece of salmon with the filling and bake for a little less of the time. 

Stuffed to the Gills | Salmon Stuffed with Spinach, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, and Feta

Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a RecipeServes 2-3 generously. If feeding a larger group, increase the size of the salmon fillets and double or triple the filling ingredients. Also be prepared to adjust the baking time. Make sure that your fillets are very similar in size and have a relatively even thickness throughout. If the fillets are thick in the centre and thin at the ends, you will end up with cooked ends and an uncooked centre, or a cooked centre and overcooked ends, which would be a real shame. 
Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe2 fresh salmon fillets (skinless), about 1/2 pound each and 1 inch thick
1 TBSP. olive oil
2 heaping cups of fresh baby spinach, roughly chopped
1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes, packed in oil (drained and roughly chopped)
1/3 cup + 2 TBSP. crumbled feta cheese
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 lemon, halved
Salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Spray a shallow casserole dish or baking sheet with non-stick spray. Lay one of the fillets down in the baking dish. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-heat and saute the spinach until just wilted, about 1 minute. Add the sun-dried tomatoes and the garlic, and stir for another minute. Remove from heat and stir in 1/3 cup of feta cheese.
Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe
Spread the mixture evenly on top of the fillet. Squeeze half of the lemon over top of the filling. Lay the second fillet over top of the first, lining it up as evenly as possible. Squeeze the other half of the lemon over top, and then liberally sprinkle with salt, pepper, and the remaining feta cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the salmon is just cooked through. Please note that the baking time will vary greatly depending on the size and thickness of your salmon fillets, so adjust accordingly. I suggest keeping a close eye on it after the first 20 minutes.
Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe

This recipe would be perfect for a lunch or dinner. For a simple lunch pair with a greens salad and a small piece but for dinner kick up the flavor a bit some citrus and herb orzo salad and of course some nice steamed broccoli.

Recipe and Pictures courtesy of 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Power Up Pre-Workout Breakfast Sandwich

I never realized how much a good meal can help make sure you are ready for a workout no matter how hard. Day 1 of this challenge I ate some cereal and a banana and I almost passed out twice and after that I have been making sure that I have a good meal and for my case a good breakfast since I have been going to the gym in the morning. Many people think that working out without eating first will help them burn more calories or build more muscles but the truth is not eating first can make working out harder to do and can essentially be unsafe if you do not have food in your system before hand. 
Don't I look Delicious!!!

This is what I like in the morning before a workout something with a little bit of carbs, a lot of protein and some good vitamins from some veggies. Here is my Power Up Breakfast Sandwich.


  • 1 Bagel, Bread, Sandwich Thin, Roll (Whatever you have on hand or whatever you like)
  • 2 Organic Cage Free Eggs, whisked
  • 1/2 Smithfield Ham Steak or thick sliced deli ham
  • 1 Large Handful Spinach
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 tomato slice (For this I get the largest tomatoes I can find so one slice will fit on the bagel or whatever bread product you are using. If you can only find small tomatoes use a couple of slices to cover the bread.)
  • Cooking Spay if not using a non-stick pan
Spray pan and heat over medium high heat. Cook eggs like you would an omelet not moving then except only slightly around the edges to allow the raw egg from the top get into the pan to cook. 

When eggs are almost cooked spread spinach and then the cheese and allow to melt slightly before folding in half. Allow the spinach to wilt before removing from the pan. Place ham in the pan to heat through, about 2 minutes on each side. Toast your bread product if desired.
When assembling the sandwich, cut the egg in half first and then assemble in the following order.

  • Bread Top
  • 1/2 the Egg
  • Ham
  • 1/2 the Egg
  • Tomato
  • Bread Bottom

I like my eggs a little more on the well done side of things. (Eww slimmy eggs) But you should cook the eggs to your desired amount of doneness.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Time to Set Some Goals...

One thing that is making this journey a little easier to travel through is the fact that I have some goals in mind for what I want to do and how I want to feel at the end of it. For the immediate I want to lose weight, eat better and gain some energy. While these goals are great ones to have, they are vague. One thing I have found is that my goals need to be concrete. I have to have a timeframe, a number or a size to shoot for. Now timeframe in this instance is my best friend Makayla's wedding on October 11th. I have about 6 months to lose about 30 pounds. I think this is a great and realistic goal which is always a good thing. I'm not a contestant on "The Biggest Loser" who doesn't have a job to do everyday except to workout and eat right and do what the producers tell me to do. I have a job, friends, commitments, family to juggle as well as a trip or three planned as well as working out and eating right. 
Now that I have chosen to make my health a priority finally, I don't want to screw it up so goals are going to be a sure fire way to make sure that I stay on track and keep my eyes on the prize.

My Overall Goal is to be a healthy weight for my size, be happy and finally feel like the thin girl I have always wanted to be.

My first checkpoint to get there is to complete this 100 day workout challenge I have decided on and to measure my success initially on how I feel and not necessarily how I look or what the number on the scale says. Now of course those are important things too, like finally breaking free of the "300 club" or going down a size or two when I go shopping. A big part of this goal is also to be taken off all of the meds I am currently on. 

My next checkpoint is to make sure that when we take pictures at Makayla's wedding in October they are finally pictures that I am proud of display on my desk at work. I want to look at the picture as see all the hard work I have put into getting to that point and be happy that day for all the right reasons and not be self conscience that I am still the "BIG" girl in the bridal party. Now granted I will most likely still be the biggest size dress in those wedding pictured but that won't matter because I will have still dropped a couple of sizes from when the dress was first tried on and I can take it to the Bridal Shop and prove that snotty dress consultant wrong. (I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I have the most amazing friends [aka Makayla] who if I hadn't stopped her would have gone up to said dress consultant and would have either punched her or at least verbally bitch slapped her. You are the best friend a girl could ever have)

After that my next checkpoint is that I will once again fit into the racing suit that I wore when I swam in high school over 7 years ago. Or for that matter, feel comfortable in my own skin.

After that checkpoint I don't have anything else in mind at this point but I'm sure I will come up with something crazy to make sure that I keep working towards a goal and better life.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Workout Update

Day 5/100 Completed... 
As you know I also got a trainer so day one was my evaluation day, and oh boy was it bad. I was completely out of breath the whole time, every muscle in my legs were burning in the first 10 minutes oh and I got dizzy twice. But no matter what I powered through and I didn't quit so what if I had to stop for a little bit. I didn't QUIT!
Day 2 I took it a little slower since I was extremely sore after that first workout. So 30 minutes on the bike it was. 
Day 3 I did not go to the gym but I did dance when I got home from work. Some zumba, some hip hop, just moved.
Now Day 4 is where things got tough... and hour long cycling class. What the hell was I thinking! But again I powered through. I may not have done all the jumping and running and whatever else they call it but I biked over 20 miles and pushed myself do do something I haven't ever done before. I couldn't be more proud and thankful for Ray for inviting me to go. I think its going to be a regular Saturday morning thing.
Ray probably gave me the most encouragement.
"Just keep pedaling, go at your own pace and don't look around and see what everyone else is doing. Do you and after a couple of classes you will be able to do must of this stuff too."
Being that day 5 is a day off from work and a Sunday I wanted to make it a light day when it comes to working out but none the less I was up early this morning and out walking 2 miles with some amazing people. I am so blessed to have this kind of support system and I really just hope that it continues and that I also learn when to accept the help from others and know that I don't need to do everything on my own. I have people in my life that want nothing more then for me to succeed and I know that not everyone has that type of support. I would hope that eventually everyone has someone they can lean on in a time of self discovery.

Post Workout Smoothie

This is my go-to after workout smoothie this week. I got a little of the inspiration for it from my favorite coffee chain, hence the cup but as a former barista from this coffee chain I had an idea for a smoothie with a little more real fruit and some protein powder to help recover after the workouts that I know in the future will become increasingly hard.  

What you will need: 
Saucepan, blender

Ingredients for Smoothie Base:
1 bag frozen strawberries
⅔ bottle Tropicana Farmstand juice blend peach mango flavor

In a saucepan over medium high heat bring all ingredients to a boil and allow liquid to reduce by ¼. Let cool slightly before blending until smooth. Store in airtight or beverage container until ready to make smoothie. This is the flavor combo I am doing this week but whatever is your favorite fruit will work too. For this I use the frozen over fresh fruit because it all gets blended up so do you really need to spend a ton of money on fresh fruit when it's getting ground up basically, I think not. 

After you work combine the following ingredients in blender and blend on high until smooth. 

1 c frozen strawberries
1 banana minus a bite (I'm usually so hungry after a workout I can't wait for the smoothie)
3/4 c Smoothie Base
1/4- 1/2c Milk (your favorite flavor i.e. Regular, soy, almond) 
1/2 scoop 100% whey protein powder unflavored (This can be kinda hard to find. I got mine at GNC. I don't like the fake taste of flavored protein powders but you can always use a flavored one if you like it.)
1 handful of spinach

Layer the ingredients in this order for best results.

... And so it begins.

So Day 1 has come and gone and so did days 2,3 and now 4... Now I decided to go this past Monday to see what LA Fitness was all about. They just started opening up locations in Buffalo and I wanted a different gym to try so, why the hell not. Now keep in mind that I walked into the building just wanting to get some information you know like what the cost is what you get for the cost, not to actually get the membership but as I'm sitting there listening to a pretty good sales pitch for me to start at their club I'm thinking what am I waiting for there are so many reasons I need to join this gym and stop procrastinating once and for all. So I joined just like that. I gave them my credit card and done. Now in the past I would never had done that, I would be afraid and not just about the money but about what people would think about the fat girl going to the gym and the looks I would get and would I pay all this money and then quit half way through? Just so many unknowns that normally I would be too scared to do it. But I'm done with the worrying and just done with care what the hell other people think.
I finally believe in myself enough that I'm just going to do me and not worry what any one else thinks and I hope that everyone can find that peace like I have. 

Couple of things I have done to set myself up to keep track of this challenge.

 I put together a tracker on my wall for each day. For each day I put either the exercise/activity/class that I did either at the gym or whatever I did that day to be active. Once I complete it I cross it out. 

I have reached out to friends and family to let them know what I am doing and surprisingly have gotten a ton of support and that what I needed more than anything else. Put the word out on Facebook and let them know you need their support and love during this new adventure. 

And don't forget to thank those that helped motivate you along the way!!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Starting My 100 Day Challenge

Hey Blogosphere!
I hope you are happy to have me. My name is Karen and I am starting this blog to track my journey on a one Hundred Day Workout Challenge. I know it will be a daunting task, working out everyday for the next 100 days. Now I don't just mean walking around my block for 20 minutes once a day I mean joined a Gym got a trainer working to a better healthier and cleaner life and well looking good GREAT in a bridesmaid dress in October!!! Thats right Makayla, your wedding is my first checkpoint to looking and more importantly feeling better. 
Not only did I want to start this to track what I have done, where I started and where I end up in 100 days but if I can inspire one person to do the same and change their life for the better because of it that would mean all the more to me!
I have learned over the last few day that I have ALOT of people that care about me and want me to do well at this... its like they are coming out of the woodwork!!!

I little bit about me so you know I am not a skinny mini girl already and trying to lose 10 pounds around her hips. Granted yes I want to lose 10 pounds around my hips but more then that I am a way more the full figured 24 year old that has been put on every diet known to man by a well intentioned by overbearing mother since I was 9 years old. Not that I don't thank her for wanting me to be healthy but I knew from even that young age this if I wanted to get healthy it was something I would have to decide on my own. I HAVE OFFICIALLY DECIDED THAT THIS IS FOR THE LONG HULL THIS TIME. I will not quit and I might start out small but I will NOT QUIT this time. 

I was in sports during high school and tried working out when I was in college but now that I have a grown up job in an office I found my eating habits had only gotten worse and the size of my clothes just kept going up and up. I have never in my life been thin even when I swam in high school and being a fat swimmer doesn't look good. I was fast enough to stay on the team but more than that, not so much. I'm pretty sure even as a kid I went from little kid clothes tight to large junior clothes to plus size women's in a matter of a few year. Not only do I want to shop in the plus size stores anymore (1. Those clothes are expensive and 2. I want to go shopping in a regular department store and not feel embarrassed about my size). I am a very insure person when it comes to my weight and being 24 on the verge of diabetes, heart problems and issues with your joints because of the immense amount of wight I have chosen not to get rid of in the past is no picnic.

But enough about the past , lets talk about what you will find on this blog. I will track what workouts I have been doing, what classes I try at the gym (how those work out since I'm not very coordinated) good new healthy recipes that I try including my daily post workout smoothie! and how I power through despite going to a 4 day BBQ Competition in Memphis, TN less than a month into this endeavor with a TON of amazing food and booze to last until the next year (because let's be honest I will 100% be enjoying all that food and booze) but will still have a daily workout before I head to the Mile of Swine for the day! 

I do want to let you know as my readers that I am by no means a doctor, medical professional, dietitian, personal trainer, etc. I am simply a girl on a mission for a better and happier life. If you are inspired by what I am doing please check with a medical professional before starting a workout and diet program. I suggest not working out alone if you can avoid it in the beginning to ensure that you do not end up putting your life in danger and of course to ensure that you have proper form when using equipment.