Monday, June 30, 2014

...And the Results are in!

So after more then 2 weeks of waiting I finally got the results from the MRI I had done on my knee. So good news is that I do not have a torn meniscus but bad news is I have a non-displaced fracture. Where you might ask is this fracture... not entirely sure. I got the results while driving in Vermont last weekend with my old college roommate, Molly, and the PA who called was not very specific in this description. Today I had a CT scan done to see... not entirely sure but I think they told me its to be able to see a better picture of the bones since it is a fracture. I love how after a several weeks of waiting to see what is wrong with my knee I still don't know. It has been almost a month and a half since I was first hurt and none of the results I have gotten back are conclusive in the least. I am hopeful that after it taking almost 2 weeks just to get the MRI results that they are a bit quicker to get back to me with these results. I am tired of being scared that I am going to hurt my knee more if I work out too hard or push it before it is fully healed and make things worse. I don't want this to be a set back that keeps going on forever and ever. 

Lots of challenges ahead but I promise to be positive and look to the finish line as a checkpoint in my journey but never the less to enjoy the journey all the same.

Ps. New goal to be added to my journey:
Train & Run in a 5K, 1/2 Marathon and Full Marathon one of which must be in San Francisco so that I can hang with Molly!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Health Check

With this being my first post since I have been back from Memphis and my most recent injury I wanted to give an update about what I have been able to do since then but more importantly what I have been eating since the working out has been extremely limited. Since being home I have seen an orthopedic surgeon to look at my knee and tomorrow I go for an MRI to see what internal damage there may be since he seems to believe that I have a torn meniscus and if that is the case I will be having surgery ASAP. Since I am still is some pain from whatever is wrong with my knee I have not been doing any cardio other than walking since this has happened. Luckily enough walking on crutches did help raise my heart rate some when I was using them. I have been off of crutches for about a week but still don't trust my knee to not buckle to walk on a treadmill or ride a bike. What I have been doing is still seeing my trainer once a week to at least get some abs, back and arms worked out. It still keeps me accountable to make sure that I am still going in and still have someone to report to essentially. I never thought I would miss going to the gym when I couldn't go anymore.
My diet has been more important then ever since this has happened and to be honest I haven't always eaten the best since I have been injured. But that has changed over the last week. I put together meals for the week and I'm not eating the crap that they call food at the cafeteria at work. Granted the food isn't all that bad but it most defiantly is not the best but more than anything its expensive and by brown bagging this last week i've saved so much money I can't even fathom it! 
While writing this post what I realized more than anything is that I don't necessarily have a problem choosing healthy options I just have a problem with portion control. I tend to eat way more then I need to and it clearly shows.