Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer... time for Yoga?

After losing my job about 2 months ago I have become quite stressed as you can imagine. As many of you know I have had a trainer for the last year and lucky for me I have paid for enough sessions that I can continue seeing her for the next few months without having to pay her fee just paying for the regular membership!!! BONUS! So while searching for a new job I am able to continue working out to attempt to keep my anxiety under control but apparently that hasn't been working. So Plan B it is, thanks to an amazing friend (MOLLY) I have taken up Yoga. The nice thing is that I can take it right through my gym and don't have to spend anymore money. WIN! I have already found a better peace of mind as well as inner strength while in my practice. There are defiantly some new muscles in use that I didn't realize I would be using and even though the first couple of days after I was in some pain now its great. Not only have I found that stress release that I very much needed I am getting a great workout to boot. 
Tips for Yoga: 

  1. Find the right instructor for you. With any class whether it is at a gym or a studio there is probably more than one instructor you can take the class from. I was lucky to find my favorite instructor so far in my first class but if needed keep trying different instructors until you find the one that works best for you. I have tried other classes with different instructors because I wanted to go to a class on a Saturday but I found I didn't like how that instructor ran his class. So today I went back to the first instructor and had a much better experience. 
  2. Don't compare yourself to others. This can really be said for any class you may take but I find it especially true for yoga. The practice is yours and yours alone. I do look to those around me to make sure I am doing the pose correctly because I don't always know what the pose is called and sometimes it is easier to look at the person next to me instead of the instructor but I also try not to compare what I can do to what the person next to me does especially since I am not all that flexible right now.
  3. Use the buddy system. Find a friend to go with you it will make it a lot easier to follow Tips # 1 and 2 if you do!